Fundera estimates that 409 million people per month read blog posts. This makes them an integral part of your content marketing services. Boring business blogs don’t work when there is so much potential for success.

Getting Started: You will need to select a platform, a domain, a theme or design for your blog, and what content you want to publish. Your blogs should be placed in their own section on your website. This could be in a subfolder like, or in a subdomain like Nearly all CMS for websites support the addition of a blog section. This includes WordPress, Wix and shopping carts such as Shopify. To avoid confusion, your blog should look the same as your other website.

Choose Your Audience: It is easy to shout out into the void hoping someone will hear you. Before you can write even one sentence, it is important to identify your target audience. A user persona is a great way to identify your target audience and record them. Buyer persona is a detailed description of the person that represents your target audience. This persona, although fictional, is the result of extensive research about your target audience. Personas are a great way to visualize your target audience when you write blog posts.

The Message: This stage will help you decide what your blog is going to be used for. Do you want to entertain, inform, be a thought leader in your field or humanize your company through your content marketing company? Blog posts can be used to address industry trends and educate your audience. They also foster customer loyalty. When brainstorming content ideas, you should create a mission statement. It should be concise but complete and describe the goals of the blog as well as the topics it will cover. You can choose to speak in a casual or formal tone depending on your industry. It doesn’t matter what your brand decides, make sure it stays the same.

Goals and Objectives: It’s important to set measurable goals and have a system for measuring progress. These are the common blog objectives:

You can increase your website traffic through search engines. This is something you should monitor in terms of new visitors to your site and sales via blog posts.

You should position your content before an existing audience. This can be done in terms of unique pageviews and user engagement.

To measure user interest, you need to track unique blog post visits, engagement, conversions, and other metrics per blog post.

You should make sure that your blog has clear goals and objectives.


Your content marketing agency based in India must consistently provide relevant content to your customers and prospects to make you stand out. There are many benefits to blogging for businesses, such as increased leads and the provision of content via email newsletters or social media. You can also increase organic traffic. Visit for more information.