Have you ever seen someone else performing a Google search and wondered what made mine different from theirs? What was different about the Google search results? This is a really good query. One thing, especially if you concentrate on local search, you really must know the answer if you are serious about SEO and organically ranking. Read this article from our search engine optimization business in India if you want to learn why Google search results fluctuate and how you can profit from understanding it.

Getting Started

Let’s start by responding to a query quite similar to this one: Do Google results vary depending on who you ask? No. When you enter the same query into Google and someone else does the same thing in a different place, there is a good chance that you will both get different results. It can happen even while you are in the same room. or even on the same device. But why?

How Google Search Results Change

Google wants to provide you with a personalized internet that is all yours. Google’s smart algorithms blend the various parts of the internet into a more focused one that is tailored to your needs. Your internet search results will likely be different from those of other users because you have distinct interests. And what advantages do we, the users, get from all this generosity? a tailored encounter!

Experience That Is Customized

The phrase “results that are carefully targeted to individual users” is used to define personalized search. Instead of only relying on standard SEO services ranking variables like page speed, HTML tags, site structure, and core web vitals, personalized search is based on data that search engines gather about a user. After then, based on the users’ location, interests, search history, and demographics, this data is used to deliver more pertinent, personalized results to them. Sometimes, personalized search can come out as psychic. In actuality, Google’s algorithms are simply carrying out their duties.

On a server located in a remote location, Google once showed the same results for everyone. It was terrible. For whatever question, everyone got the same information. But then, things were different. In 2009, Google made personalized search available to everyone. And it was wonderful. A study conducted two years later discovered that over 50% of Google results were customized. The SERP has not looked back since, despite the fact that Google search “personalization” has continued to change and evolve over time.

SEO and Google

If your search results are different from those of your friends, coworkers, or clients, do not be concerned. It’s done on purpose. A tweak that improves the user’s experience on the internet is ideal. In Google’s organic search results, there are several gaps between SEO and customized search.

In fact, this is the entire reason SEO was created in the first placeā€”so that companies might have a voice in how SERPs are put together.

The issue is that while adopting SEO, many firms overlook personalized search. The idea that we have no control over customized search is the main cause of this. However, according to our SEO business, this is not always the case.

A brand must either reclaim control of its SERP rankings or at the very least guard against losing it if it is to succeed in organic search. However, if you place too much emphasis on the reasons why a keyword, such as “XYZ,” can rank first one day and third the next, or why your results might differ from those of a colleague, you risk missing out on some significant chances. The question “Why do my Google search results vary?” is not the one you should be asking, despite the fact that that may be how you came.

Google Updates That Impacting SEO

You should be aware of how personalized search affects SEO in the following ways if your company wants to profit from having high search ranks. To assist you with these factors, you can speak with an SEO agency.

Location: Personalized location-based search is very important for small local businesses. They must use SEO to make sure that Google recognises their business and gives it priority over all others in the same region that are comparable to it. Larger companies with many locations find it more challenging to make data-driven SEO decisions since they need to take into account multiple sets of geographic information.

History of Searches and Browsers: Priority is given to those who receive the most clicks. If a user clicks on a competitor’s website, that site has a very good probability of outranking yours in subsequent search results, even if you exceed them in all other SEO areas, such as on-page keyword density and site speed. Due to Google’s reliance on online history, businesses may also find it difficult to receive precise ranking information.

If a firm regularly searches for its own name or frequently clicks on results that are relevant to its website, Google will start to rank that company’s website higher in the future. Because of this, the company can think that its SEO efforts are working more effectively than they actually are.

Devices: Because Google offers two separate search engine indexes, one for desktop search and one for mobile search, firms must split their technical SEO efforts into two separate strategies: desktop SEO and mobile SEO adaptation. In light of the fact that Google currently ranks websites using mobile-first indexing, the most crucial point is that mobile-first websites will lag behind.

Google Accounts: Only people with a Google Account are able to leave reviews on Google. The more positive evaluations your business receives through Google My Business, the more likely it is to rank higher. This is especially true if your competitors have fewer reviews and those reviews contain location-specific keywords.


Because Google search results are constantly changing, so too should your SEO. In the end, they don’t call it “organic” for no reason. Search results are always evolving. Your SEO must comply as a result. You can adjust your SEO so that it is suitable for all types of clients in accordance with customized variables that differ from user to user in addition to the traditional list of ranking elements that we are all familiar with. Visit our services for more details or to use our Indian SEO company’s services.