There is a phrase about link building that is very popular amongst a number of marketing consultants- ‘link building is dead’. This certainly creates a lot of confusion amongst not only other marketing consultants but website owners who are outsourcing SEO services. People actually want to know about the future of link building.

We believe there are several reasons to consider this question. There are various reasons why one should consider link building. Here we are listing a few significant and reliable changes to link building in future.

Popularity in Social Search

Social networks are the new Google. A number of people prefer to do searches within their own social portals, instead of using Google to provide them the correct information. Social media is increasing in functional usage and is going to be with us for a long time. And social search is not dependent on backlinks as a ranking factor.

In short, we have to deal with links for a number of probable future scenarios. Due to this, it is crucial to depend upon sustainable link building practices. However, this doesn’t advocate unhealthy and indiscriminate link building.

An Evolution of User Search Practices

It is not only Google that is changing. Even users are changing. Users use their mobile devices to search, browse and navigate the web. Traditional search methods are declining gradually due to the advent of latest technologies like wearable devices. This certainly makes us think where this shift in search practices is leading, but probably it will be less dependent on old practiced techniques and thus less dependent upon Google as the key factor in link authority and ranking.

The Algorithm Will Move Toward Stronger Alternate Signals

Important algorithm changes are focused on fighting non-legitimate backlinks. However, as they oppose spam, they require something to replace as a ranking factor. The question here is what? There are options and we already know a number of things that amplify the quality of a site.

Supreme quality, well written and long form content is one such thing. Security is another thing, as the HTTPS ranking signal algorithm suggests.

Algorithms Will Become More Familiar to Spammy Quality of Links

Early last year, Google showed us that it is still discovering and penalizing spammy forms of link building. And it seems it will continue. With every update of Penguin, we see more strict actions of the algorithm against non-legitimate link building. Google is and always will be against such types of links. The algorithm will be smarter in identifying the effects of links that are not supposed to be rewarded.

Links Will Remain to Be an Important Part of the Algorithm

Links are not disappearing as a search factor. They are highly fixed in the algorithm to be completely removed. You can’t just expect to have an algorithm that ignores links.

Hire Best SEO service in India to get high quality links to your website.