WordPress is a very popular content management system (CMS), used by millions of people around the world, including many high-profile websites. While it is a great platform with many features and options, it is also a popular target for hackers and other malicious actors.

As a WordPress user, you need to be concerned about website security. After all, your site is a valuable asset that contains a lot of important information. Here are sixteen tips to help you keep your WordPress website or blog safe and secure. While none of these tips is guaranteed to 100% protect your site against attacks, following them will make your site less vulnerable and help you.

01) Keep your software up to date.

02) Have Regular Website backups

03) Limit Login Attempts

04) Avoid Using Admin As User Name

05) Don’t Allow File Edit via Dashboard

06) Don’t skip WordPress updates, it’s the key

07) Use strong passwords and change them regularly.

08) Create backups of your website and database.

09) Use a secure connection (HTTPS) when logging in and submitting forms.

10) Restrict access to your website files and database.

11) Use a security plugin to help protect your website.

12) Install a firewall on your server.

13) Scan your website for malware and viruses.

14) Harden your website security settings.

15) Monitor your website traffic and activity.

16) Educate your staff about the website

One of the most important things you can do to improve your website is to educate your staff about it. Make sure they know how to use the site, how to find the information they need, and how to add new content. They should also be familiar with your branding and marketing goals, so they can help promote the website accordingly.

Staff education is an ongoing process that should be repeated periodically. Make sure you keep your staff up-to-date on any changes to the website or to your marketing strategy. And don’t forget to reward them for their efforts!

If you have just started your own website/blog, you might have concerns about its online security and safety. But needn’t worry, as WordPress already has an almost unbreakable security mechanism that will keep your website safe & secure. All that I have discussed here is to give you knowledge about possible online hacking threats and their respective remedies.

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