Let’s first look at a statement on the Alexa website. It states that “Alexa would not exist without the involvement of the Alexa Toolbar Community.” Each member of the community not only receives a tool but also gives back. Each member contributes valuable information to the web through the Firefox, Chrome and IE toolbars The highlighted lines indicate that Alexa depends on how many toolbars are installed by website visitors. In other words, Alexa cannot determine if someone has visited a website (let’s say, something.com) if they don’t have the Alexa toolbar installed on their browser. It is completely dependent on whether the visitor uses Alexa.

What About the Country Rank on Alexa

This means that Alexa may also be showing incorrect visitor data per country. Your website’s Alexa rank in that country will be passed if the majority of your visitors have installed the Alexa Toolbar from that country. You might not be the country receiving the most visitors to your website.

Another way to put it, if your website has accurate data about the people who visit your site, then you can determine the country from which they are coming. You will be amazed at the difference between Alexa’s statistics and your custom analytics. Alexa will rank your website fairly for a country with very low traffic, even though you have solid statistics.

Here Are Some Comparisons

Let’s look at Alexa and Google Analytics’ real world data to help us better understand the jargon. The GA Tracking Code can be installed on the website to observe. This will allow one to compare Alexa and Google Analytics. This means that Alexa has been able to track all visitors to your website, but not Google Analytics.

According to Analytics metrics, a website that is under observation has a high percentage of visitors coming from India. This could indicate that Alexa Metrics is incorrect. According to Alexa, the majority of visitors would come from India. Thus, India’s rank will replace the United States. You can check the Alexa and Analytics stats of your Google Analytics website now.

What Happens If No Alexa Users Visit My Site?

Let’s take an example website that didn’t seem to be attracting any Alexa Toolbar users. One might notice the following on Alexa:

A red border around the text will indicate that there is not enough data, as not enough Alexa Toolbar users visit this website. To measure direct traffic, Alexa requires that users sign up and become certified.

Which Is Better: Alexa or Google Analytics?

This means that you can’t get any real statistics from any analytics software until your SEO company adds the tracking code to your site. Google Analytics is also recommended and highly recommended by experts. Google Analytics is free and provides enough data to support your analysis. Alexa, on the other hand, will charge for any real-world data beyond what you have used during your seven-day trial.

Is Alexa to Be Blamed If She Displays Incorrect Statistics?

The Alexa website states that the statistics are based on the number of people who have installed the Alexa Toolbar on your site. Your SEO company will decide how serious you take Alexa status if you haven’t yet signed up.


Many SEO companies in India are talking about Alexa’s decline in rankings. However, they are still trying to find a way to improve their Alexa ranking. This post will help you understand the logic behind Alexa’s visitor and traffic statistics. It will also answer most of your questions about Alexa stats. To know more, visit https://thirdessential.com .