Small businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their advertising strategies. They want to establish a presence in the market and reach out to their target customers. One of the most popular ways small businesses do this is through direct mail advertising, a highly personalized means to gain customer engagement. But what exactly does this advertising service entail?

This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about direct mail advertising in just three easy tips. Take it as an opportunity to become a well-established small business and gain success by being an effective communicator of your core message and fostering strong business-to-customer relationships.

Identify Your Campaign Goals and Target Audience

Your goal with every direct mail advertising campaign is to make sure your target customer understands your core message and how they would see themselves in your brand. The best way to approach this is to identify what goals you want to aim for and who your target audience is.

For example, let’s say you own a business that does small business advertising services for Edmonton’s boutique pet stores. You may want to target as many as 150 pet owners in local neighborhoods where the pet stores are located. You may also have a demographic report saying that most of your customers are young, single women with cats. That can be your general theme for your next mail campaign.

Remember—you may not have a clear picture of what you want to aim for in your small business because the target market may also not be as defined. Ensure that you do some intensive market research beforehand to be guided by results rather than subjective opinions. That way, you can maximize your advertising spending.

Think About Innovative Email Marketing Designs

Your mail’s design that you will send out to your customers requires two main parts: the visual appeal and the content. You want to incorporate graphics that will entice your customer the moment they see your mail, and you want them to instantly identify with what you are saying once they start reading. It may sound simple, but you may have to spend long hours on just the prototype for your mail design.

As such, divide your small business into teams. Think about each person’s skill set in your team and work with an advertising service that can provide you with all the tools and expertise you need to successfully develop the best email designs. You can also run your mail campaigns through a focus group to refine your direct mail advertising strategies and gain relevant market insights.

Incorporate Effective Calls-to-action (CTAs) to Draw in Customers and Sales

One of the best advantages that you can rely on when using direct mail advertising is you have a captive audience—the customer interacting with your mail. You don’t have to worry about other small businesses stepping into your space with their advertisements, like digital marketing on the Internet.

You have to make the most out of every mail you send by incorporating CTAs that will get customers to buy your products and services. Don’t forget to have an advertising expert help you to ensure that you can secure those sales.


Small businesses can gain a lot from direct mail advertising. Fortunately, you now know the basics to help you develop the best campaigns. You just need to find the best local advertising expert to ensure that you are doing all the right things to plot out your success.

Invest in direct mail advertising today!

Are you looking for direct mail advertising solutions to help your small business flourish? We at Third Essential can provide you with that. We have more than 7 years of experience in the digital marketing, web development and web designing industry, ensuring you the competitive edge you need to compete in your chosen market. Partner with us today to deliver your small business’s core message effectively.