ThirdEssential, an SEO agency in India encourages creativity and healthy competition. It’s not the opposite. It’s much more fun to be on top than when people are trying their best. Website owners should conduct a competitive analysis. However, not enough people do. A thorough competitive analysis can help you determine what your website needs to be more competitive.

What is SEO Competitor Analysis?

It might seem strange that a ThirdEssential, an SEO agency in India, should investigate your competitors and determine if you are achieving your goals. This is a good practice for many reasons:

The Path to Success: A competitive analysis can help you identify what you should do to improve the user experience and increase your search rankings. Your competitor may have features that are better than yours, such as higher search ranking.

Identifying Competitors: The first benefit of competitor analysis in SEO is being able to identify your primary market competitors. You’ll then be able conduct further research on them and assess their market position. You should also look online for direct competitors when you do this.

You Need to Know the Keywords: Keywords are a key part of SEO. If you find that some keywords work well for your competitors but not for yourself, then you should include them on your site.

Detail Per Page: You can see page by page the activities of your competitors with a thorough investigation. Comparing your website to your competitor will help you identify any functional gaps.

Communicate Better: Your competitors may use novel strategies. This gives you the opportunity to do better.

How To Do a SEO Competitor Analysis

Your Keywords: This is the most important aspect of SEO. You must start your competitor research by finding all the keywords that are important to you. You must also understand the purpose of these keywords in search queries that your target audience uses. You must have informational, transactional, and commercial intent when targeting keywords. These keywords are often the ones that have high payouts and bring customers through your sales funnel. It will make it easier to analyze your competitors if you know the keywords you want to rank for.

Recognize Your Actual Competitors: When it comes down to keywords, we recommend identifying your true competitors. Your competitors may not be all websites that rank higher for a particular keyword than you. If you want to identify your true SEO competitors, then you need to be precise and thorough in your SEO research. This involves comparing SEO results for different keywords and tracking the top 10 to 20 websites that are ranked for each of them.

Social Media and Content Analysis: We recommend looking at the company’s social media profiles. In today’s digital world, a company’s social media presence can make or break a business’s success. You can learn a lot from looking at the profiles and achievements of your competitors, regardless if you have one already or are working on one. Ensure that your company has social media pages to increase customer interaction and traffic. It will allow you to observe how your customers and followers interact with each other, what they post, how active they are, and the content they share.

You can implement a content strategy once you have a good understanding of your competitors. The averages you get from that data will help you to build your strategy. Before you can start appearing in search results, however, you will need to determine how many and how well you need links. Then, determine how many links you will need based upon the topic categories. To establish objectives for your backlink outreach, and acquisition, you will need to create a breakdown that is based on industry averages. This study will provide the basis for your campaign as well as your SEO strategy.


A competitive analysis is a crucial part of any SEO company in India. This includes finding out from which companies your competitors get their backlinks. This information can be used to create connections for your website that will be of high quality. This data-driven approach allows you to replicate the results of your competitors and gain crucial information. Visit our website to learn more about us. .